The chairmen of President Obama’s fiscal commission proposed a sweeping collection of spending cuts and tax increases today in a bid to jolt the panel's 16 other members away from their Republican and Democratic orthodoxies.
$200 Billion In Savings
$0.80 1 Reduce Congressional & White House budgets by 15 percent
$15.10 2 Freeze federal salaries, bonuses, and other compensation at non-defense agencies for three years.
$13.20 3 Cut the federal workforce by 10 percent
$18.40 4 Eliminate 250,000 non-defense service and staff augmentee contractors
$0.10 5 Cap the number of federal political appointments at 2,000
$0.40 6 Cut federal travel budget
$0.70 7 Establish Veterans Administration (VA) health co-pays
$0.40 8 Reduce unnecessary printing costs
$0.30 9 Trim the Federal Vehicle Budget
$1.00 10 Other efficiencies
$11.00 11 Create a Cut-and-Invest Committee charged with trimming waste and targeting investment
$1.00 12 Merge the Department of Commerce and Small Business Administration into a single agency and trim its budget by 10 percent
$1.00 13 Terminate low-priority Corps construction projects
$1.30 14 Reduce overhead cost of diplomatic operations
$4.60 15 Slow the growth of foreign aid
$1.80 16 Eliminate the Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools
$0.30 17 Eliminate the Economic Development Administration
$0.50 18 Eliminate a number of programs administered by the Rural Utility Service (RUS)
$1.60 19 Reduce wasteful spending at the Department of Justice
$0.10 20 Eliminate certain regional subsidies
$0.10 21 Eliminate the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership and the Baldrige National Quality Program
$16.00 22 Eliminate all earmarks
$0.90 23 Cut research funding for fossil fuels.
$1.20 24 Eliminate funding for commercial spaceflight
$0.50 25 Drop wealthier communities from the Community Development Block Grant program
$0.30 26 Reduce voluntary contributions to the United Nations
$0.20 27 Eliminate administrative fees paid to schools for student aid programs
$0.10 28 Eliminate the Overseas Private Investment Corporation
$1.00 29 Sell excess federal property
$0.30 30 Reduce funding to the Smithsonian and the National Park Service and allow the programs to offset the reduction through fees
$1.20 31 Eliminate grants to large and medium-sized hub airports
$0.50 32 Cut funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
$0.90 33 Require food processing facilities to finance food safety and inspection services
$0.50 34 Change inland water systems to be fully self-funded
$1.90 35 Require airports to fund a larger portion of the cost of aviation security
$0.30 36 Charge beneficiaries for the cost of the International Trade Administration’s trade promotion activities
$0.30 37 Reduce land acquisition under the Land and Water Conservation Fund
$0.40 38 Create a more cohesive and cost-effective fire management service
$28.00 39 Apply the overhead savings Secretary Gates has promised to deficit reduction
$5.30 40 Freeze federal salaries, bonuses, and other compensation for the civilian workforce at the Department of Defense for three years
$9.20 41 Freeze non-combat military pay at 2011 levels for 3 years
$5.40 42 Double Secretary Gates’ cuts to defense contracting
$20.00 43 Reduce procurement by 15 percent
44 End procurement of the V-22 Osprey
45 Cancel the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle
46 Substitute F-16 and F/A-18Es for half of the Air Force and Navy’s planned buys of F-35 fighter aircraft.
47 Cancel the Marine Corps version of the F-35
48 Cancel the Navy’s Future Maritime Prepositioning Force
49 Cancel the new Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV), the Ground Combat Vehicle, and the Joint Tactical Radio
50 Reduce planned levels for "Other Procurement.”
$8.50 51 Reduce military personnel stationed at overseas bases in Europe and Asia by one-third
$6.00 52 Modernize Tricare, DOD health
$5.40 53 Replace military personnel performing commercial activities with civilians
$7.00 54 Reduce spending on Research, Development, Test & Evaluation by 10 percent
$2.00 55 Reduce spending on base support.
$1.40 56 Reduce spending on facilities maintenance
$0.80 57 Consolidate the Department of Defense’s retail activities
$1.10 58 Integrate children of military personnel into local schools in the United States
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